We Survived Camping! Barely. Thanks to yours truly -- the whole trip would have been a wash. You see, after we set up camp on Sunday, the original plan was for me to go out and get pizza because Matt would be too tired to do anything else. The campsite is only about 10 minutes away from Target and Roundtable Pizza and about 12 minutes away from home. As expected, there were a few things that we needed and or forgot to take with us so, I was to go home get some things, go to Target buy some things, then go to Roundtable and get dinner. When I got to Target, I managed to lock my keys in the car! This lead an errand that was supposed to last 1/2 an hour tops into a 2 hour ordeal!! Matt was at the campsite with the kids. It was cold there and they had no food (the cooler was in the car). All I have to say is, thank God for cell phones and the fact that Matt was in the Boy Scouts (or it's U.K. equivalent.)
I managed to track down my sisters, who were 1/2 an hour away in Gilroy. They picked me up, we went back to the house, picked up the spare key that Charlotte had, and I finished getting food and went back to camp. The boys hadn't killed each other, but, it was getting close. Matt managed to make fire without the firestarter (one of the things I was supposed to get) and Sam managed to bite Henry just once (out of boredom and fighting over the gameboy.) Yes, Sam bit Henry. It was a nip on the finger. Oh, the terrible twos. Matt was actually quite patient with the whole situation. But, he won't let me forget this. Believe me. Slap that Scarlet "S" on me! S for stupid.
The rest of the trip went pretty smoothly. I just wish it was warmer. It's that darn Marine Layer! It's the middle of July but, it was still too cold. Being near the beach didn't help either. The thing is I (the native Californian) was really the only one who had trouble with this. The boys truly enjoyed themselves despite the chill. Sam was in his element. He was at least 2 shades darker from the dirt, but he loved it. He and Henry just ran around and played among the trees and on the beach.
Henry got to stay up with his dad and bond by the fire. Matt told me that he had the flashlight and was shining it up into the trees when Henry said, "Don't shine it up there, you might wake up the sky." It was nice to getaway, even if it was just for a few days.
Now it's back to the daily grind. Not to mention Laundry. All the endless laundry...
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