So, Sam woke up with a fever this morning. He was warm last night but, not so warm that I wanted to wake him and put medicine down him. But, this morning he was warmer. So Matt and I gave him some Motrin. We are supposed to meet Lilly in the park but, I'm inclined to cancel. I really don't want him to be sick on his birthday, Saturday. Especially since we are seeing Thomas the Tank Engine on Sunday.
Even though, they aren't supposed to be bad, fevers always worry me. I know fevers are a symptom and that they don't necessarily hurt the child, but I'm still not crazy about them. When Henry is sick, he's so different. He's so quiet and listless and sleepy. He's a good patient though. He knows to just go to sleep and let his immune system do the fight. Sam's a bit more restless. He's got those fever eyes right now. Poor thing. I don't like my kids being sick. It makes me feel helpless...
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