Friday, July 01, 2005


"Thank God it's Friday." This term doesn't really mean much to me because I'm not working full time or rather because I am working full time. It all depends on your definition of "work". I think other Stay at Homes understand what I mean. I used to work from 8:00 - 4:30 and then look forward to the weekend at home. But, when you are at home all the time, there really isn't a sort of end to the week.

When Matt comes home on Friday he expects to be able to take things easy. He's worked hard all week. Me, I have spurts. Because I'm at home, I can "work" at cleaning, laundry, the kids, etc. and then occasionally veg in front of the t.v. or read or blog. My relaxation is in bits not in consecutive days.

Actually, as a mom, everything is in spurts - eating in spurts, talking in spurts, cleaning up the spurts... Being a mom is not easy. When I go back to work, I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with all this. (Because the mommy duties continue, as any working Mom can attest to too.)

Anyway, because it's going to be a 3 day weekend (for most), hopefully Matt will be home early. Today is the last day of Session 1 for Henry's swimming. Today is Family Swim day so the parents and rest of the family can hop in the pool too. Hopefully, Matt will be able to come and we can all splash around a bit this afternoon. Anyway, have a great weekend!