The summer is almost over and we had a busy busy weekend! Before I go into the details, I have to relate a funny Henry story. On Thursday, on the way to swimming, with Henry in the back seat, I was cut off in traffic a few times. I said in exasperation, "Must be idiot driving day!"
Then on Friday, my sister took a long lunch and we went to look at flooring. Both the boys were in the car. I was stopped at a stop sign and it was my turn to go. Not one but two cars went right through the stop sign. "Must still be idiot driving day,"I said. Then we were in the store. The boys were pretty good - no running around or knocking things over. As we were leaving, the lady behind the counter thanked us and said, "Have a nice day!" Henry with one foot out the door stuck his hand up in a cheerful wave and yelled, "Happy Idiot Driving Day!. I shuffled him out the door during mid-sentence so it was worse because they probably just heard, "Happy Idiot..." Charlotte was laughing till she was almost crying in the car. I was mortified at first but, then I realized how funny it was. I should have known Henry would pick up on it. Poor kid thought it was actually Idiot Driving Day! I really must watch what I say...
On Friday we joined Lilly, Mary & Cindy at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalkand we sawSly & The Family Stone Experience! They were fun. The kids had a great time dancing to the music.
On Saturday, Sam turned two! He got this great Disney ride along bubble machine from Grandma and Grandad (it was in the big big box). We didn't want bubbles in the house, so we didn't put the bubbles in. But, Sam loved it all the same.
After presents, we had cake with Thomas The Tank Engine on it. Sam was so cute trying to blow the candles. He loved his cake. It was chocolate with chocolate fudge filling. Yum!
On Sunday, we went to see Thomas at Roaring Camp. Sammy had a wonderful time. He kept pointing at Thomas and saying, "Thomas" as we waited for the ride. We got to sit in the car right behind the famous Blue Tank Engine.
The boys also got Thomas tatoos and face painting. Sam actually sat still most of the time while his face was getting painted. I'm kinda dreading bath night because there will be tears when the Thomas Tatoo comes off! There was also a bouncy house, which was an obvious highlight of the whole trip - the boys went on 3 times! They also had a Thomas made out of Legos which the boys loved climbing on. Sam kept saying, "Lego Thomas, Lego Thomas..."
We also took pictures with Sir Topham Hat and in front of Thomas. Unfortunately, Sam is not a ham (like his brother)so it took a lot of yelling to get him to even look at the camera. Our little guy does smile all the time, honestly.