I totally stole this layout idea from Ali Edwards . She's a graphic designer scrapbook diva extraordinaire. I want to grow up to be just like her. (Which is impossible because she's white and thin and organized and perfect.) These are most of the Christmas cards we got this year. This way I get to cherish the cards instead of recycle or put them in a corner of a box somewhere.
It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone so quickly. Matt's parents were here and then they were gone. They arrived on the 13th of December, about a week and a half before Henry got released for winter break and left on the 27th of December.
It was so nice to have them here. They made the holiday seems so much brighter and easier to deal with. The boys absolutely loved having them here. Mum came with me and Henry to class on 3 separate occasions. On the first Thursday of their holiday here, she came on a "regular" workday and helped the kids make Christmas candles. Then on Friday, Grandad joined us for a production of Elves and the Shoemaker at Cabrillo College. The kids really enjoyed it. Henry wanted to see it again. It was kinda hard explaining to him that we couldn't Tivo a live performance!!
On Sunday the 18th of December we went on the Christmas Train in Santa Cruz. It was so much fun! It started at Neptune's Kingdom at the Boardwalk then went all around Santa Cruz. At first there was a worry because it had been miserable and rainy. But, thankfully it stayed dry. Even if it did rain, it would have been o.k. because they had covered the open air cars with see-thru plastic and lights.
We all enjoyed ourselves. We drank free hot cider and sang songs.Santa Clause came on the train and made a visit. Even the porta-potty car (which after all the cider, Henry had to "try out" naturally) was decorated in lights. Sam was too mesmerized to speak. He just stared out the window happily. He loves trains so much. Everything is Thomas to him. Unfortunately Cindy (who arranged the whole ride) had to sit this one out because little C.J. had the sniffles. Even though we had to wait almost an hour for the train to arrive, they charged 3 dollars for 50 cents worth of popcorn, and they guy with the guitar kept messing up which song to sing, it was definately worth it. We'll surely do this again.
On the 20th Henry and his class had a Cookie Party at the Prebyterian Church near downtown Watsonville. Mum and I came along to help make cookies and take pictures. I wish my kitchen was a big as that one! Henry being a rough and tumble boy wasn't as "into" making cookies as I would have liked. He and Braelan put on an apron, did their regulatory 2 cookies, and then went back outside to play.
This was also the first year we decided to do a Gingerbread House. I bought the kit at Micheals and it said "easy to assemble" Ha ha! I was just glad Mum was here to help. You get these pieces of gingerbread, and the instructions say you need to use the icing to glue them together. You need more than just icing! You need an extra set of hands and some cans of Spam to hold the sucker together! It took us a couple of hours and a lot of patience but, we finished it. The boys helped decorate it. I have a new respect for bakers or anyone who has to write with icing. It's not easy! In the end, much to Matt and Dad's chagrin, I think it turned we did a good job! A few days later, we watched The Gingerbread House Competition on the Food Network. Apparently, it's a pretty big thing in North Carolina! I was amazed at what some of those competitors made and what they used. Who would have thought that a piece of PVC pipe could be used for a Gingerbread theater mold! Our house wasn't quite as good as the nine year old who placed third in the competition with his Reindeer Runway but, it was still fun to do. I can understand why people would get sort of addicted to doing this but, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to do it by myself next year!
On Christmas Eve Henry kept asking when it would be dark so he could go to bed. He wanted to go to bed right after dinner. We kept him up till a respectable hour and he luckily he didn't wake up till 7:30 in the a.m. We sent him downstairs first to check if Santa came and I'll never forget the pitter patter of his feet as he ran up the stairs and said "He camed! Santa camed!". For Henry it was all about the video games, specifically Mario Party 7 . For Sam it was a very Thomas Christmas.
The Thomas Aquadoodle was a big hit! It's really quite ingenious. All you need is water. There is this track stamp you use to make a track with the water, then you turn Thomas on and he just drives along the track on his own. Henry also got Mario Dance Dance Revolution complete with a dance pad and even a calorie counter for those mommies like me who are resolving to be smaller next year!
Christmas was one of my days off in the kitchen. Matt cooked the turkey and his mom did all the fixings and sides. The only thing I had to worry about was the table setting and dessert. Cindy, Mary, Cindy's mom Ruth, Lilly, and C.J. came over for a festive dinner. Cindy made these tasty little appetizer cups using turkey slices, spinach, onion and cream cheese. We started out with wine and the tradition of popping Christmas crackers. Dinner was perfect. Matt's turkey was moist and the veggies were cooked perfectly. This was also my first attempt at making Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding (think bread soaked in lots of chocolate, butter and cream). It was a hit as was Mum's Christmas Pudding (with brandy butter) that flew here with her on the plane! A lot of pictures were taken. Henry and Lilly kissed under the tree. It was a great night overall.
It's hard to believe that two weeks passed so quickly. The old adage is true: time sure does FLY when you're having fun!! I loved what Henry kept saying most of all, "This is the best Christmas ever!"