Friday, March 17, 2006

You take the good You take the bad...

The Bad:

We still have that stinkin' leak!! The roofers have been here 3 times already and it's still leaking! The only option is to replace the part of the roof that's leaking. This is not going to be cheap. We are really frustrated with this.

What's funny is our lawyer (we're currently in litigation over the shoddy workmanship of this house) has to bring the "defense" on the 28th. I mean, this mess speaks for itself. Cabinet doors falling apart, roof leaking, bad plumbing in our bathroom downstairs... These are just unnatural things for a house that's only a few weeks older than my first born son!! The good thing about getting the roof replaced is there is a 10 year warranty and Shelton Roofing had been around a while now. I'm tired of this, but, I suppose it could be worse.

I can't believe we are in March already with all this rain. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so darn cold!! It was actually snowing so badly on Hwy 17 that they had to close it down for the first time in 30 years! Last weekend we actually saw snow off Hwy 1 near Aptos! Not a whole lot, but, enough to cover the sides of the freeway! Enough for people to be getting out of their cars and sliding down the sides of the hills off Buena Vista! Amazing!

Matt and I attended "Open House" on Tuesday. We had to listen to two presentations and we have decide by the end of the month which First Grade class we want Henry to go into. There are two and they are as different as night and day. Seriously. We have our work cut out for us.

The Heart Room is the straight First Grade Class. It's taught by a teacher named Sue. It's basically very structured and planned. She focuses on curriculum and standards, uses the workbooks and drills. They still have fun, though. They get a field trip once a month and they do lots of art projects incorporating what they have to learn throughout the year.

The Rainbow Room is a multi-age class. This not to be confused with a Combo-class. Combos are made when there are too many kids in a grade and the district doesn't have the budget to add a new teacher. Sierra teaches this multi-age class. It's for first, second and third grade. She's got a bigger than normal room. She starts class every morning with stretches outside (weather permitting) and a circle inside with active disscussion from all the students. She doesn't give homework as often. She doesn't work from the basic workbooks. She's got a real new-age approach about teaching. She believes in a childs self-motivation. If Henry were to go to her, he'd be in her class for 3 years.

Matt and I have basically have to go and observe each class and figure out where Henry will thrive more. It's a big decision. Either way, though, Linscott is a great school and I am so happy that he is going there.

The Good News

Go to your local crafts/magazine store and check out this issue because I'm in it!!! This is my first ever published layout!!! If you remember, last Fall I sent in some scrapbook layouts for this yearly contest. They actually picked one of mine for this special issue. My layout is on page 78.

Funny thing is, it's one of the few layouts without the kids in it. The great thing is, if you have been in any part of my life till now, you are in it! The layout includes a picture of all my journals since I was twelve and it's about how I have taken comfort in my words and the journaling I have done over the years. I love the fact that that picture encompasses the journals with all the events (happy and sad) in my life and that you and everyone I love is a part of it. It's so cool. I was so excited picking up the issue at one of the scrapbook stores. It's wonderful seeing my name in print. I'm glad to share it with everyone. I'm so excited to be finally published.

The other thing is, Henry got a new computer yesterday! Matt bought him an iMac. It has video messaginging capability. This is great because when Matt is out on trips, we could video message each other no matter where he's at. Henry and Matt spent last night bonding and putting it together.

In the end, life isn't all that bad. Matt's work is going well. Henry and Sam are pretty happy. And we all have our health. Till later.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


What? You said today is the first day of March? I can't believe it. Granted February is a short month, but, please. Better get on with the update, before it's April!

February was all about seeing old friends. Henry Sam and I got to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium with Beverly, Wes, (their adorable new baby Marley), Molly, Jolie, Kelly and her cutie patootie baby Jack. We had a grand time. The kids love the aquarium. It was busy, wall to wall people, but, they didn't mind. Sometimes I wish I still had that kind of wonder for sure!

Last Friday, Mark, Marla, Mila and Chas came over for dinner. I find that I really enjoy making dinner for friends. It was so nice to have them over to talk. The boys pretty much behaved themselves too! I have to admit I was a little disappointed when everyone left so early-- around 10:30. Back when we were in our 20s we used to stay up so damn late! I used to be able to stay up all night, if I wanted to. Oh well. They all live kinda far away in Felton so I understand. I am just so glad they came over.

On Saturday, Matt and I attended Brian and Lisa's wedding. We weren't allowed to bring Henry and Sam. Apparently, a no-kids-allowed nuptial is a "trend" lately. Needless to say, I was kinda taken aback about this. I love what Mark said when we told him and the rest of the dinner party. He said, "That would never fly at a Mexican wedding. Noone would come!" Ha! Even though, I knew in my heart that my kids would have been great, Henry's been known to really "cut a rug" on the dance floor , we still had a good time anyway. Brian is part of Matt's circle of friends -- it was him, Brian, Josh, and Dirk who used to go see The San Jose Earthquakes pretty regularly. They had this ritual. They would go to Cluck-U Chicken burn their mouths on some super hot chicken wings, douse the fire with beer and then watch the soccer match. How manly! They all worked at Aladdin together. Dirk moved away a few years ago and Josh is now at Apple. Both Dirk and Josh were in the wedding party. We got to meet Josh's wife Kayzuko (sorry if I butchered the spelling). She is so sweet. She works at Apple too. Josh adores her. It was nice for Matt to see his chums again and Brian and Lisa were very happy.

Right now Matt is in Kansas. He's been in Florida for a few days. I'm busy working on some scrapbooking layouts and carting the kids around. I'm trying to get into this "design team" for an online scrap site. If I get in, I get free "kits" each month to create layouts plus a nice discount on the online store. Wish me luck.