Friday, October 20, 2006

Dare #44 and 11 Years Today

Finished this layout earlier in the week. It's Dare #44 on the Dare blog. I've been in kind of a scrapbooking "funk" for the last month. I entered into two contests one for Memory Makers Magazine and another for the "Effers" on their Dare blog. I didn't do well in either and I think it kinda bummed me out more than I care to admit. I didn't expect to win either contest but, with Memory Makers Magazine last year I at least got one layout in. I did some layouts this year for them that I thought were really stellar but, I haven't heard a peep from them. I haven't shown these to anyone because I thought they might get picked up somewhere but, it seems that the other magazines/books that I have submitted to doesn't want them either. So, I'll probably uploading them in a few weeks. I have to really commit to getting published but honestly there isn't enough time to make new layouts and submit plus keep the house in a working order. I really admire some moms who can do this. You may laugh at me when I say that the Scrapbooking world is a very competitive one. It seems everyone is scrambling to get themselves published and if you don't keep up with the latest trends or techniques, you fall behind. I have 3 subscriptions to different magazines and I haven't even really looked at them because half the time I feel inadequate (why didn't I think of this) and the other half I'm just getting sick of seeing the same people's kids over and over again. Anyway, I like this layout of Henry that I just finished and that's the important thing.

It doesn't help that I've been very very busy with the kids' school. I'm even going into Sam's school this weekend to work on the pre-school library. I'm the librarian for the pre-school. The library is basically a very very very packed closet that I'm going to need to organize enough to start checking books out to the pre-schoolers' parents. If I go missing after this post, please make sure someone checks under the pile of library books at the school!

Oh and if you've been paying attention (it's all about my life here) today is Matt and my 11 year anniversary!! We're such and old couple that we haven't even exchanged cards today. We'll probably go out tomorrow night for dinner or something to celebrate. He saw The Departed while he was in New York a few weeks ago and he liked it enough to want to go see it again so we may go see that, who knows. Later gator...

Thursday, October 19, 2006


  Posted by Picasa October has come like a ghost!! The stores are packed with Halloween stuff already. If you go to Micheals (which I do more than I care to admit) you can see the holiday triad approaching - Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all in one shot! Blamo.

Mum and Dad were here for nearly three weeks in September. They visited the fair with us and we got to celebrate Dad's (cough) 69 (cough) birthday! Matt and I purposely didn't tell them about the house remodel till they arrived. I got a great picture of his mom's face as she opened the door. I was laughing too hard to take a picture of his mom hitting him for lying to her all the weeks before they got here! We are really pleased with the downstairs.

Matt was in New York for a week. He was there when that terrible accident happened in Manhattan killing that Yankees pitcher and his flight instructor. Thankfully, Matt wasn't up town when it happened. He arrived home safe and sound last Friday.

School is in full swing for Henry. He's is gone from 8:30 to 2:45 Monday through Thursday. He is out at Noon every Friday. He's having a great time in school. Some old issues regarding friends have come up again - which make me more crazy than anything but, Henry seeems to be coping well. I know I should just let it go because it is the nature of these things. But, I just feel like Henry's being punished because he reached out to the new kid in class. His "old" friend seemed to have trouble with this and said he was taking Henry "off" his friends list. Can you believe that? They in 1rst grade! I'm holding my tounge but, you can think of all the mean little things I want to say. Henry's such a nice, considerate kid. It's not fair to him. We are so lucky to have him.

Sam also started pre-school. He goes twice a week. I can't begin to tell you how much he loves it there. He is so good too! He sits in circle and sings and is generally happy. He loves his teacher, teacher Claire. He's growing up to be such a social kid. Matt and I are so lucky to have him too!

School has kept me busy as well. I have 3 meetings a month that I have to go to for the kids. Not to mention the numerous school related jobs and fundraisers I have to take part in. Henry's school just got done selling wrapping paper. He made some good money off of Matt's co-workers. Next month we will be selling cookie dough for Sam's school. Yum!

That's it for now. I will try and upadate again soon.